Content Posted in 2009
A comparison of year-round and traditional students' achievement scores in reading, mathematics, and other variables, Terry Martin Brown
An analysis of selected elementary principals' instructional leadership practices and uses of student assessment information in relation to the categorical ratings of schools in North Carolina, Carolyn Douglas Carr
An investigation into the attitudes of superintendents toward the North Carolina Mentoring Program for Teachers, Barbara Morgan Walters
An investigation into the effects of online teaching and learning on achievement outcomes at the secondary level, Alfred Allan Jordan
An investigation of teachers' and principals' perceptions of the effectiveness of the 4x4 block schedule in selected high schools in the Sandhills Region of North Carolina, Valjeaner Brewington Ford
An investigation of the North Carolina Promotion and Intervention Policy as related to intervention strategies, student achievement, and principals' and teachers' satisfaction, James Edward Hargett
An investigation of the relationship between the leadership provided by district media personnel, school library media program areas and student achievement in North Carolina public schools, Edna Alston Cogdell
A study of first-year teachers and their principals: Perceptions of readiness among participants from traditional and non-traditional teacher preparation programs, Mary Wilson Black
A study of principals' leadership effectiveness in implementing multicultural education in North Carolina public elementary and middle schools, Annie McCullough Chavis
CLA Completion RptDC, Kim Kirkpatrick
CLA Final Manuscript, Micki Nyman
CLA Final Report, Oliver Johnson
CLA Final Report, Thomas Jackson
CLA Final Report, Diane Phoenix-Neal
CLA Final Report, Annie Chavis
CLA Final Report, Socorro Hernandez-Hinek
CLA Project, Sidney Pash
CLA Project, Maurice Mongkuo and Donatus Okhomina
CLA Project, Richard Hall
CLA Project Final Report, Maria Orban
CLA Project Report, Phil Senter
CLA Project Report, Audrey Muhammad and April Raines
CLA Project Report, Wu Jing
CLA Project Report, Alison Van Nyhuis
CLA Project Report, Dean Swinford
CLA Project Reporta, Greg Sadler
CLA Report, Yufang Bao
CLA Report, Xin Tang
CLA Report, Phoebe Hall
CLA report, Gregory Rich
CLA report, Michelle Darnell
CLA Report, Beth Bir
CLA Report, Joyce Russell
CLA Report, Guanghua Zhao
CLA Report, Ji Y. Kim
CLA Report, Dwight Smith
CLA Report, Angela Taylor and Elvira White
CLA Report, Joseph Osei
CLA Report, Sondra Martin
CLA Report, Avis Hatcher
Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Instructor’s Assessment Report, Bee Yew
Comparative analysis of teachers' perceptions of the principals' charismatic leadership, managerial behavior and school climate in traditional and charter elementary schools in North Carolina, Freddie Elton Williamson
Correlates of Alcohol Consumption, Drug Usage, Sexual Behaviors, and Knowledge About HIV/AIDS Infection Among Traditional College Students, Terence Hicks, Juanita Ashby-Bey, Leontye Lewis, Johnny Harpe, and Francis Keane
Evolution For The CLA Project, Jonas Okeagu
Inquiry-Guided Learning in a Capitalism Class, Richard Ellis
Leadership implications of the perceptions of multicultural issues and cultural diversity of Bladen County educators, Jennifer Smith
Principals' attitudes toward the influence of high-stakes testing in North Carolina's public elementary schools with grades three, four, and five, Donald Thomas Cahill
Situational leadership: An analysis of public school teachers readiness levels and preferred principal leadership styles, Terry Franklin
The relationship between percent of funds spent on direct instruction and student achievement in selected grades, Brian A Phillips
Using a Business Simulation as an Integrative Assignment in a Learning Community, Kathleen R. Gurley and Dothang Truong
Weavers of deception and keepers of morality in Homer's “Odyssey”, Danyelle Sherita Huffam