Content Posted in 2013
A Preliminary Study of Perception and Coping Mechanism of Breast Cancer Patients in an Iranian City, Ali A. Moqaddas, Fatemeh Adjdari, and Akbar Aghajanian
A Profile of Black Women in the 21st Century Academy: Still Learning from the “Outsider-Within”, JeffriAnne Wilder, Tamara Bertrand Jones, and La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin
Dinosaurs and pterosaurs in Greek and Roman art and literature? An investigation of young-earth creationist claims, Phil Senter
Editor-in-Chief, Linda Wilson-Jones
Editor's Comments, Gail Thompson
FERPA: To Release or Not to Release – That is the Question, Sonja G. Cantrell
Focus on Essential Learning Outcomes, Bob Sornson and Debbie Davis
Images of Black Leadership and Mentoring in Higher Education: Personal Narratives from Faculty and Staff, Selena T. Rodgers and Tiffany Cudjoe
Mathematical model of growth of dendrites in a supercooled melt, Alexander Umantsev, V V. Vinogradov, and V T. Borisov
Merging and Creating Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Public Schools, Sunni Ali and Ryan Murphy
Modeling the evolution of a dendritic structure, Alexander Umantsev
Motion of a plane front during crystallization, Alexander Umantsev
Nonisothermal relaxation in a nonlocal medium, Alexander Umantsev and A L. Roitburd
Selected North Carolina Beginning and Veteran Teachers’ Perceptions of Factors Influencing Retention and Attrition, Marvin McCoy, Linda Wilson-Jones, and Paris Jones
So Much More than Academics: What’s Character Got To Do With It?, Rona Leach McLeod
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Special Education Induction Programs, Jeremy E. Vittek, Kim K. Floyd, and Sharon B. Hayes
The Importance of a School Library Media Specialist, Khalida Mashriqi
What are Universities for?, Ian McDonald