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This paper is about trends and differentials in infant mortality in Iran. There is very little known about the topic of infant mortality in Iran. The dearth of knowledge about infant mortality in Iran is mainly due to lack of data. There is no reliable vital registration data as a large number of infant deaths in rural areas and small towns go without registration. Under such situation the best source for studying infant mortality is retrospective data from demographic surveys. In this paper I analyze data from Iran Fertility Survey of 1976-77 to examine the levels, trends, and differentials in infant mortality since 1947 . A declining trend in infant mortality is observed since the 1950's and a remarkable decline is reported by 1992 . However, they are consistent regional and rural-urban, socioeconomic, and demographic differences in the rate of infant mortality . The paper presents and discusses results from logistical regression analysis of the determinants of infant mortality and their implications for future infant mortality decline in Iran.
