Plasma metabolomics in a nonhuman primate model of abdominal radiation exposure

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The acute radiation syndrome is defined in large part by radiation injury in the hematopoietic and gastrointestinal (GI) systems. To identify new pathways involved in radiation?induced GI injury, this study assessed dose? and time?dependent changes in plasma metabolites in a nonhuman primate model of whole abdominal irradiation. Male and female adult Rhesus monkeys were exposed to 6 MV photons to the abdomen at doses ranging between 8 and 14 Gy. At time points from 1 to 60 days after irradiation, plasma samples were collected and subjected to untargeted metabolomics. With the limited sample size of females, different discovery times after irradiation between males and females were observed in metabolomics pattern. Detailed analyses are restricted to only males for the discovery power. Radiation caused an increase in fatty acid oxidation and circulating levels of corticosteroids which may be an indication of physiological stress, and amino acids, indicative of a cellular repair response. The largest changes were observed at days 9 and 10 post?irradiation, with most returning to baseline at day 30. In addition, dysregulated metabolites involved in amino acid pathways, which might indicate changes in the microbiome, were detected. In conclusion, abdominal irradiation in a nonhuman primate model caused a plasma metabolome profile indicative of GI injury. These results point to pathways that may be targeted for intervention or used as early indicators of GI radiation injury. Moreover, our results suggest that effects are sex?specific and that interventions may need to be tailored accordingly.
