Acupuncture as a Treatment Option in Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder–Related Tinnitus in War Veterans: A Case Presentation
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Although close associations between tinnitus and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among war veterans has been documented, there is limited research that explores evidence-based, efficacious interventions to treat the condition in this particular population. This article presents a case of three war veterans with PTSD symptoms who received a series of acupuncture treatments for tinnitus with positive outcomes. Even though the article presents cases of only three veterans and was based on self-reports, there were very clear trends on how veterans with tinnitus symptoms responded to acupuncture treatments. Information generated from this case presentation is a good starting place in exploring evidence-based approaches in treating tinnitus symptoms in war veterans with PTSD.
Recommended Citation
Arhin, Afua O.; Gallop, Kelly; Mann, Judith; Cannon, Sheila; Tran, Kimberly; and Wang, Mei Chuan, "Acupuncture as a Treatment Option in Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder–Related Tinnitus in War Veterans: A Case Presentation" (2016). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 514.