Use of multi-level state diagrams for robot cooperation in an indoor environment
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
This paper describes the syntax and semantics of multi-level state diagrams to support probabilistic behavior of cooperating robots. The techniques were presented to analyze these diagrams by combining individual robots behaviors into a single finite graph describing a complete system. It is shown how to use state abstraction and transition abstraction to create, verify and combine large probabilistic state diagrams. The paper also describes how to use probabilistic state diagrams to design and evaluate robot games. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Recommended Citation
Czejdo, Bogdan; Bhattacharya, Sambit; and Baszun, Mikolaj, "Use of multi-level state diagrams for robot cooperation in an indoor environment" (2011). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 557.