Isoflavone locations and variations in seeds, roots, leaves, and other plant parts
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Many studies showed that isoflavone contents vary in soybean seeds depending on the genotype, environmental factors, growth conditions, maturity group, and seed developmental stages. In this chapter, we summarized isoflavone variations in seeds, roots, leaves, hypocotyl, cotyledon, embryos, pods, stems, and other plant parts as well the effects of row spacing, seed germination, and several mineral nutrient applications to soils on seed isoflavones and other compounds. These variations are the basis of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of seed isoflavone contents in soybean discussed in Chap.
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Kassem, Moulay Abdelmajid, "Isoflavone locations and variations in seeds, roots, leaves, and other plant parts" (2022). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 588.