Soybean tocopherols: Biosynthesis, factors affecting seed content, qtl mapping, and candidate genes
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The four naturally occurring tocopherols (a-, ß-, ?-, and d-tocopherols) and tocotrienols also known as vitamin E (a-tocopherol) are biosynthesized in plastids of many plants including soybean via the shikimate biosynthetic pathway. In this chapter, we summarized tocopherol biosynthesis, factors affecting seed tocopherol content, and almost a decade and a half (2007-2020) of QTL mapping of seed tocopherol content in soybean. Candidate genes identified within this genomic region are also summarized. For example, Dwiyanti et al. (Breed Sci 57:23-28, 2007) identified the candidate gene ?-TMT3 encoding for ?-tocopherol methyltransferase. Likewise, Sui et al. (Front Plant Sci 11:539460, 2020) and Zhao et al. (2020) identified several candidate genes involved in seed tocopherol biosynthesis including >Emphasis Type="Italic"/Emphasis< that encodes for a transmembrane amino acid transporter family protein, >Emphasis Type="Italic"/Emphasis< that encodes for a galacturonosyltransferase-like 3, >Emphasis Type="Italic"/Emphasis< that encodes for a plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein 1, >Emphasis Type="Italic"/Emphasis< that encodes for a cytochrome c-2, >Emphasis Type="Italic"/Emphasis< that encodes for an S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase superfamily protein, and many other genes. Further studies are needed to narrow these QTL regions and number of genes before scientists and breeders can use them to develop soybean lines with high seed tocopherol content.
Recommended Citation
Kassem, Moulay Abdelmajid, "Soybean tocopherols: Biosynthesis, factors affecting seed content, qtl mapping, and candidate genes" (2022). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 595.