Is computer-generated interactive mathematics homework more effective than traditional instructor-graded homework?
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A study was conducted to determine if online homework using MyMathLab (MML) would lead to an increase in academic performance compared with traditional paper-based, instructor-graded homework. The results of the study showed that the students' success rate is 70% in the MyMathLab group, while the success rate is 49% in the traditional homework group. MML, which is an online interactive course design, provides multimedia instructions, practice exercises, homework, and tests, all correlated to the accompanied textbook. The course design reports the correct answer if one is unable to solve a problem in three attempts, guiding the user with helpful suggestions, such as formulas and explanations, to solve the problem. MML also enables faculty to spend more time with students, and students also can learn according to the style and pace that best suit them as homework grading is transferred to MML.
Recommended Citation
Kodippili, Asitha and Senaratne, Deepthika, "Is computer-generated interactive mathematics homework more effective than traditional instructor-graded homework?" (2008). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 598.