Conservative Order Parameter: Theory of Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Systems
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In Chap. 6 we described spinodal decomposition as a process of spatial separation of species taking place in thermodynamically unstable solutions of solids or liquids. A phase diagram of a spinodally decomposing system has a critical point, where the concentrations of both phases become equal. In this chapter we explore the heterogeneous states of the system, dynamics of the decomposition process, and the effect of the thermal fluctuations on it. Spinodal decomposition may be looked at as an example of a phase transformation described by an OP that obeys a law of conservation. Then, the mole fraction X may be put into correspondence with the OP ? whose value cannot change freely while “searching” for the free energy minimum but must comply with the mass conservation condition. In this chapter we will be following the presentation of Johns Cahn and Hilliard, Mats Hillert, and H. Cook who laid out foundations of its theoretical description of the problem.
Recommended Citation
Umantsev, Alexander, "Conservative Order Parameter: Theory of Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Systems" (2023). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 663.