Vestigial appendicular skeletons in the African and Malagasy skink species Feylinia grandisquamis, Melanoseps ater, Grandidierina lineata and Voeltzkowia mira
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Vestigial appendicular skeletons are present but have not previously been described and illustrated in the skink species Feylinia grandisquamis and Melanoseps ater. Vestigial appendicular skeletons have been described and illustrated in only one specimen of Grandidierina lineata and in a small sample of Voeltzkowia mira. Here we report a radiographic study of the appendicular skeletons of these four species. The pectoral girdle includes a vestigial clavicle in F. grandisquamis; a vestigial scapulocoracoid and sternum in M. ater; a vestigial scapulocoracoid, interclavicle and sternum, with or without a clavicle, in G. lineata; and a clavicle and scapulocoracoid in one specimen of V. mira. In all four species the pelvic girdle includes an ilium and a puboischium. No midline contact is present between the left and right puboischium, and visible forking into a distinct pubis and ischium is present only in V. mira. The only discernible limb vestiges are humeri in V. mira.
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Liniewski, Rachel; Stanley, Shane; Andrade, Julia; and Senter, Phil, "Vestigial appendicular skeletons in the African and Malagasy skink species Feylinia grandisquamis, Melanoseps ater, Grandidierina lineata and Voeltzkowia mira" (2016). College of Health, Science, and Technology. 703.