A Blockchain-Based Dual-Side Privacy-Preserving Multiparty Computation Scheme for Edge-Enabled Smart Grid

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Unlike a traditional centralized and producer-controlled power grid, the smart grid is a more complicated distributed power system consisted of many resources and applications. In smart grid, huge amounts of data generated by edge devices are collected by different parties. To achieve high operation efficiency, it is important to enable the data sharing and cooperative computation among different parties. How to protect the security and privacy of the utility data and the identities of their owners has become a major concern. There have been some studies on this issue. However, most of these works failed to consider the privacy protection in the dual sides of the data owner and receiver. In this article, we propose BPM4SG, a blockchain-based dual-side privacy-preserving multiparty computation (MPC) scheme for edge-enabled smart grid. In BPM4SG, the data segmentation method is adopted to ensure the security of MPC (e.g., summation) in edge nodes. The consortium blockchain and smart contract are used to further increase the system security and avoid the dependency on trusted third parties. Additionally, a data obfuscation method based on the ring signatures and a new one-time address scheme are proposed to protect the privacy of both the data owner and data receiver. The analysis shows that BPM4SG can meet the security and privacy requirements of smart grid. The experimental evaluation results demonstrate that our scheme has a better performance compared with other popular schemes.

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