Enabling Fair Spectrum Sharing between Wi-Fi and LTE-Unlicensed

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Due to the fast increase of mobile traffic, most mobile network operators face the congestion issue in licensed spectrum bands. Several telecommunication vendors and operators propose to expand LTE service to the unlicensed spectrum bands to relieve the traffic congestion. However, LTE in unlicensed spectrum may interfere with Wi-Fi communications in the same bands and cause significant decrease in the quality of service of Wi-Fi. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism that enables negotiations between two different wireless technologies (Wi-Fi and LTE), which ensures fair spectrum sharing between Wi-Fi and LTE-Unlicensed (LTE-U) in the same bands. We formulate the co-existence of Wi-Fi and LTE-U as a constrained optimization problem, and we solve the problem. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme via NS-3 simulations. The simulation results show that our approach can effectively improve the overall channel utilization and reduce the interference between Wi-Fi and LTE-U.

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