

Bandura's (1977) social cognitive theory contends that people think, learn, and perform based upon a sum of personal (e.g., beliefs, emotions, behaviors), social (home-school relationships), and environmental (school culture). Also, research has already determined that collaboration between home and school leads to better children's social-emotional learning (SEL) (August, Anderson, & Bloomquist, 1992; Cooper & Redfern, 2016; Grant & Ray, 2018). Thus, a basic qualitative research tradition was used to better understand elementary public-school parents' perceptions of the impact of parent-school relationships on children SEL development in a Title 1 school in Massachusetts (MA). Thru the lenses of brain science, a broad research question guided the inquiry: What social and cultural factors, if any, may impact parent-school relationships in a Title 1 school in MA from a brain science perspective? The researchers used two forms of data collection: (a) open-ended interviews with five parents, and (b) field notes. The data was collected, transcribed, member checked, coded and thematically analyzed. Results indicated that all parents have a genuine interest and desire to support the social and emotional growth of their kids and establish good relationships with the school. The overreaching themes derived from the analysis indicated that the following may impact parent-school relationships: 1) lack of culturally sensitive information, 2) teachers' attitudes and beliefs, and 3) rhetoric utilized in school communications (e.g., language and tone of school policies). Interestingly, the reflective process did not only allow parents to gain more expansive understandings of the major social and cultural challenges that hinder strong rapports with teachers, but also provided them with insightful suggestions for possible partnerships efforts such as, creating a communication effort, and creating a welcoming environment.



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