

The "Global Best Practices" concept is subjective and varies from many perspectives based on the indicators used. As such, there needs to be a standardized and universally accepted definition of global best practices in education, which hinders the effective identification, adoption, and benchmarking of these practices across countries and educational institutions. This ambiguity challenges teachers, students, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners seeking to understand and apply global educational best practices. Hence, this explorative study investigated the conceptual definition and criticisms surrounding the concept of global best practices in education. A narrative literature review methodology was employed to systematically search, select, and analyze 34 relevant sources. The findings reveal that the conceptual definition of global best practices in education encompasses practical and contextually relevant approaches that transcend national boundaries. These practices have significant implications for curriculum development, teaching methodologies, assessment practices, and overall education quality, fostering inclusive environments, adopting innovative approaches, internationalizing institutions, and integrating diverse perspectives. However, the concept faces criticisms about its potential to legitimize neoliberalism's logic of differential worth, methodological assumptions in producing policy-relevant knowledge, and the need for a critical redefinition of international education. Both the concept and its criticisms have implications for educational policy and practice in addressing inequalities, critically examining assumptions, considering political implications, and promoting individual goals and holistic development. This study's outcomes contribute to the ongoing discourse on global best practices in education and provide insights for policymakers, practitioners, and future research endeavors.



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