Content Posted in 2020
African American Sacred Music and the Romantic Aesthetic, Brooksie Harrington
An Exploration of the Influence of School Environment on the School-to-Prison Pipeline for K-12 Students, LaVonda Carol Fowler
An Exploration of the Perceptions of Institutional Advancement Leaders on Their Role in the Survival of Private HBCUs: A Qualitative Study, Evelyn Leathers and Comfort O. Okpala
Book Review - Rethinking the Role of Gender in Schools, Tiffany A. Flowers
Brain Science and Parent-School Relationships in a Title 1 Elementary School in Massachusetts: A Basic Qualitative Study, Arij Rached, Simone Elias, and Linda Wilson-Jones
CHOKE, Brooksie Harrington
Developing Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors in Online Learning Environments - A Conceptual Framework for Inclusion, Robert Cobb Jr
Doctoral Student Online Learning: Addressing Challenges of the Virtual Experience, DeJuanna M. Parker, Kent Willis, and Barbara D. Holmes
Factors that Influence Emirati Male Achievement in Higher Education, Melvin (Jai) Jackson and Kaitlin M. Jackson
Leveraging the Science of Learning to Enhance Student Success: An Application of Syfr Learning’s Principles of Practice, Jennifer S. Jones and Christopher L. Thomas
Stereotype Threat and Self-Affirmation: Reconsidering the Protective Influence of Value Affirmation Interventions, Christopher L. Thomas and Jerrell C. Cassady
The Therapeutic Nature of Qualitative Interviewing: Benefits of Research Participation, April Perry and Mary Grace Bigelow
Who Am I, Brooksie Harrington