Are you addicted to the internet or on the internet? A cognition-attitude-behavior-consequence hierarchy model to study internet addiction
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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Although Internet addiction has been widely reported as a problematic phenomenon, Internet addiction disorder has still not been officially recognized as a form of behavioral disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical of Manual of Mental Disorders. Nonetheless, studies of Internet addiction have received increased attention from professionals and scientists who find that excessive use of the Internet can lead to detrimental effects on an individual's life. This study aims to take another new look at Internet Addiction. We view internet addiction as a process which involves different stages. We also take a position that current measurement of internet addiction can involve measurement of antecedents or outcomes of Internet addiction. Additionally, we believe that internet addiction, which we define as excessive use of the Internet, can have both negative and positive impacts depending on the activities and the amount of time individuals are spending on the Internet.
Recommended Citation
King, Ruth; Dong, Su; and McCreless, Tamuchin, "Are you addicted to the internet or on the internet? A cognition-attitude-behavior-consequence hierarchy model to study internet addiction" (2015). College of Business and Economics. 129.