Below is a constantly updating list of faculty publications by members of the Fayetteville University Broadwell College of Business and Economics. This list is updated twice yearly and includes both Open Access and non-Open Access works. For questions, please contact Digital Initiatives Librarian Laura Mehaffey at


Is technical analysis profitable for individual currency traders?, Boris S. Abbey and John A. Doukas

Do individual currency traders make money?, Boris S. Abbey and John A. Doukas

A quantitative performance management framework for assessing omnichannel retail supply chains, Burcu Adivar, Işık Özge Yumurtacı Hüseyinoğlu, and Martin Christopher

Convex Analysis and Duality over Discrete Domains, Murat Ad?var and Shu Cherng Fang

A bi-criteria evolutionary algorithm for a constrained multi-depot vehicle routing problem, Vikas Agrawal, Constance Lightner, Carin Lightner-Laws, and Neal Wagner

View materialization in a data cube: Optimization models and heuristics, Vikas Agrawal, P. S. Sundararaghavan, Mesbah U. Ahmed, and Udayan Nandkeolyar

Statistical sampling to instantiate materialized view selection problems in data warehouses, Mesbah U. Ahmed, Vikas Agrawal, Udaya Nandkeolyar, and P. S. Sundararaghavan


CURE-DEAL: A Tri-Institutional Collaboration for Equity-Focused Digital Engagement of Adult Learners, Geleana D. Alston, Erin Lynch, and Tyechia Paul

Single versus multiple salesforce go-to-market strategy: the impact of sales orientation on conflict, salesperson-owned loyalty and buyer-exit propensity, Nwamaka A. Anaza, Brian N. Rutherford, Gavin Jiayun Wu, and Ashok Bhattarai

Empowering families traveling with young children: a transformative service research perspective, Jiyoon An

Structural topic modeling for corporate social responsibility of food supply chain management: evidence from FDA recalls on plant-based food products, Jiyoon An

Using genetic algorithm for dynamic and multiple criteria web-site optimizations, Arben Asllani and Alireza Lari

Bank performance measurement in a developing economy: An application of data envelopment analysis, O. Felix Ayadi, Arinola O. Adebayo, and Eddy Omolehinwa

Investment implications of the Korean financial market reform, O. Felix Ayadi, Uric B. Dufrene, and Amitava Chatterjee

The Enigma of the Textbook Valuation Model: A Note, O. Felix Ayadi, Pender Gbenedio, and Eddy O. Omolehinwa

The social and financial implications of agricultural farm settlements in nigeria, Olusegun Felix Ayadi and Caleb Ojo Falusi

Investigating the relationship between task characteristics, perceived usefulness, importance of information, and perceived service quality with the information services function, Deepinder Bajwa and Arun Rai

Empirical investigation of the relationship between top management support, information system management support, vendor/consultant support and executive information systems success, Deepinder S. Bajwa and Arun Rai

Key antecedents of Executive Information System success: A path analytic approach, Deepinder S. Bajwa, Arun Rai, and Ian Brennan

The Structural Context of Executive Information Systems Adoption, Deepinder S. Bajwa, Arun Rai, and Arkalgud Ramaprasad

Investigation of key antecedents of perceived service quality with information services function in a multinational corporation, Deepinder Bajwa, Assad Tavakoli, and Tony Tringale

Understanding Applicant Withdrawal: Can organizations prevent it and should they even try?, Meagan E.Brock Baskin, Thomas A. Zeni, and M. Ronald Buckley


“Just Did The Best That I Could Do”: CPS Social Workers’ Perceptions of Self-Efficacy in Legal Aspects, Michelle E. Bates, Erica Campbell, Terri Lewinson, and Hans van der Mars

Moral concerns and personal beliefs regarding tax evasion: Empirical results from Germany, Romania, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, Larissa Batrancea, Anca Nichita, Carla Startin, Ioan Chirila, Ioan Batrancea, Robert W. Mcgee, Serkan Benk, and Tamer Budak

Can gamification improve financial behavior? The moderating role of app expertise, Julia Bayuk and Suzanne Aurora Altobello

Educating girls, educated women: Dehomogenizing the impact of education in development, Tricia Beck-Peter and Nikolai G. Wenzel

Evaluating text visualization: An experiment in authorship analysis, Victor Benjamin, Wingyan Chung, Ahmed Abbasi, Joshua Chuang, Catherine A. Larson, and Hsinchun Chen

A public perception study on bribery as a crime in Turkey, Serkan Benk, Robert W. McGee, and Tamer Budak

How religions affect attitudes toward ethics of tax evasion? A comparative and demographic analysis, Serkan Benk, Robert W. McGee, and Bahadir Yiizbafi

Confidence in government and attitudes toward bribery: A country-cluster analysis of demographic and religiosity perspectives, Serkan Benk, Bahad?r Yüzba??, and Robert W. McGee

Mobile Detailers, Inc., Lynn Bible and Richard Sincerbeaux

Do values change over time? An exploratary study of business majors, Lynn Bible and Hani Tadros

Cross currency option pricing, Lloyd P. Blenman and O. Felix Ayadi

Bridging the gap: The moderating roles of institutional quality and compliance on the link between CSR and financial performance, Syed Asad Abbas Bokhari, Murad Ali, Gema Albort-Morant, Hengky Latan, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, Shakir Ullah, Mohammad Asif Salam, and Tan Vo-Thanh

The influence of product-placement type & exposure time on product-placement recognition, Ian Brennan, Khalid M. Dubas, and Laurie A. Babin


Creating a capital-efficient organization: Accele BioPharma, Jesse Lee Brown and Tyechia Paul

Evaluating Access to Primary Health Care Among Older Women and Men in Barbados Using Preventable Hospitalization, Jennifer H. Bushelle-Edghill, James N. Laditka, Sarah B. Laditka, and Larissa R. Brunner Huber

Assessing a public health intervention for children in Barbados, 2003-2008, Jennifer H. Bushelle-Edghill, Sarah B. Laditka, James N. Laditka, and Larissa R. Brunner Huber

An examination of EHR implementation impacts on patient-flow, Jennifer Bushelle-Edghill, J. Lee Brown, and Su Dong

A framework for software debugging, Tat W. Chan

Debugging program failure exhibited by voluminous data, Tat W. Chan and Arun Lakhotia

Artificial neural network and the financial markets: A survey, Amitava Chatterjee, O. Felix Ayadi, and Bryan E. Boone

An Empirical Investigation of Alternative Contingent Claims Models for Pricing Residential Mortgages, Amitava Chatterjee, Robert O. Edmister, and Gay B. Hatfield

Rate of return of stock index and the NAFTA process: An analysis of North American and ASEAN financial markets, Amitava Chatterjee and Amlan Mitra

A quantitative analysis on e-books sampling optimization, Li Chen

Analysis of bundling homogeneous content product in different formats: The case of the online book industry, Li Chen

Retailers’ differentiation strategy and pricing in the rental market of digital content: A case of E-textbooks, Li Chen

Investigating the impact of competition and incentive design on performance of crowdfunding projects: A case of independent movies, Li Chen

An Exploratory Study of Audiobook Discount Pricing, Li Chen

Analysis of Online Platforms’ Free Trial Strategies for Digital Content Subscription, Li Chen

To Lend is to Own: A Game Theoretic Analysis of the E-Book Lending Market, Li Chen and Ruth C. King

Analysis of eBook lending: A game-theory approach, Li Chen, Ruth C. King, and Bee Yew

Reliability (or "lack thereof") of on-line preference revelation: A controlled experimental analysis, Li Chen, James R. Marsden, and Zhongju Zhang

Theory and analysis of company-sponsored value co-creation, Li Chen, James Marsden, and Zhongju Zhang

Analysis of network effect in the competition of self-publishing market, Li Chen and Wen Tang

An empirical examination of the relationship between financial trader's decision-making and financial software applications, Kyungsub S. Choi, Moustafa Abu EL Fadl, and Boris Abbey

Managing web repositories in emerging economies: Case studies of browsing web directories, Wingyan Chung

Categorizing temporal events: A case study of domestic terrorism, Wingyan Chung

Group-buying e-commerce in China, Wingyan Chung and Li Chen

Building a web collection for online surveillance of U.S. domestic terrorism, Wingyan Chung and Wen Tang

Discovering business intelligence from online product reviews: A rule-induction framework, Wingyan Chung and Tzu Liang Tseng

Erratum: Discovering business intelligence from online product reviews: A rule-induction framework (Expert Systems with Applications (2012) 39 (15) 11870-11879), Wingyan Chung and Tzu Liang Tseng

Evaluating computational thinking in a business data mining course, Wingyan Chung and Bee Yew

Risk assessment based on news articles: An experiment on IT companies, Wingyan Chung and Min Zhu

Beyond Kelly Green Golf Shoes: Evaluating the Demand for Scholarship of Free-Market and Mainstream Economists, J. R. Clark, Jennifer Miller-Wilford, and Edward Peter Stringham

Budget Priorities of Selected Principals: Reallocation of State Funds, Michael W. Clover, Enid B. Jones, William Bailey, and Barry Griffin

An empowerment analysis: the ability of local managers to influence the termination of overseas operations, Kimon Constas, Robert P. Vichas, and Valentin H. Pashtenko

A Conceptual Model of Systems Thinking Leadership in Community Colleges, Anne Powel Davis, Eric B. Dent, and Deborah M. Wharff

Discovering the foundational philosophies, practices, and influences of modern management theory, Eric B. Dent and Pamela Bozeman

Reconciling economics and ethics in business ethics education: The case of Objectivism, Eric B. Dent and John A. Parnell

Performance evaluation of serial flow systems: Analyzing the impact of workforce flexibility and task time variation using simulation, Parag Dhumal and Vikas Agrawal

The impact of higher interest spread on the performance of banks in China, Ning Ding and Yvette Essounga-Njan

Determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from spin-offs, Ranjan D'Mello, Sudha Krishnaswami, and Patrick J. Larkin

Workforce analytics for knowledge-intensive service delivery using a private service marketplace, Su Dong, Monica Johar, and Ram Kumar

Leveraging a hybrid workforce for service delivery, Su Dong, Monica Johar, and Ram Kumar

Optimal pricing and workforce composition for service delivery using a hybrid workforce, Su Dong, Monica S. Johar, and Ram L. Kumar

Design of Contracts and Workflows for Knowledge Intensive IT Service Environments, Su Dong, Monica S. Johar, and Ram L. Kumar

Marketing implications of Webcasting and extranets, Khalid M. Dubas and Ian Brennan

Some difficulties in predicting new product trial using concept test scores, Khalid M. Dubas, Saeed M. Dubas, and Catherine Atwong

Evaluating market orientation of an executive MBA program, Khalid M. Dubas, Waqar I. Ghani, Stanley Davis, and James T. Strong

An evaluation of the walk-in and online counterparts of the leading us stores, Khalid M. Dubas, Lewis Hershey, and Saeed M. Dubas

Hedging the extreme risk of cryptocurrency, Kwamie Dunbar and Johnson Owusu-Amoako

Role of hedging on crypto returns predictability: A new habit-based explanation, Kwamie Dunbar and Johnson Owusu-Amoako

Predictability of crypto returns: The impact of trading behavior, Kwamie Dunbar and Johnson Owusu-Amoako

Predicting inflation expectations: A habit-based explanation under hedging, Kwamie Dunbar and Johnson Owusu-Amoako

Electronic health record use-diffusion patterns and eSharing of health information among US office-based physician practices, Bola F. Ekezue, Jennifer Bushelle-Edghill, Burcu Adivar, Su Dong, and J. Lee Brown

The effect of broadband access on electronic patient engagement activities: Assessment of urban-rural differences, Bola F. Ekezue, Jennifer Bushelle-Edghill, Su Dong, and Yhenneko J. Taylor

Superior self-regulatory skills in African american college students: Evidence from alcohol and tobacco use, Frederick A. Ernst, Beth Hogan, Melissa A. Vallas, Mekeila Cook, and Dana Fuller

Healthcare management: Do quality and standards vary based on national culture, Yvette Essounga-Njan

Leadership and spirituality in business and public administration: A cross-cultural empirical study comparing the USA and France, Yvette Essounga-Njan, Helisse Levine, Ning Ding, and Samuel Mercier

Leadership style effectiveness and accountability in times of crisis: A cross-cultural study of the USA and France, Yvette Essounga-Njan and Maxine Morgan-Thomas

Jean-Baptiste Say: A Proto-Austrian Warning against Lord Keynes, Anthony J. Evans and Nikolai G. Wenzel

Effect of IT trading platform on financial risk-taking and portfolio performance, Moustafa Abu El Fadl, Boris Abbey, and Kyungsub Stephen Choi

Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures Associated with Chronic Health Conditions and Disability in China, Jingyi Gao, Hoolda Kim, and Sophie Mitra

Money supply variability and interest rate spread in developing economies: The case of Nigeria, Pender Gbenedio, O. Felix Ayadi, and Amon Okpala

An analysis of the problems and obstacles to global accounting harmonization, Pender O. Gbenedio, Eric D. Benson, and Eddy Omolehinwa

Modeling independent sales representative performance: application of predictive analytics in direct selling for improved outcomes, Caroline Glackin and Murat Adivar

A makeover for Dudley’s Q+, Caroline Glackin and Suzanne Altobello

Contextual considerations in entrepreneurial finance education: A systematic analysis of U.S. undergraduate courses, Caroline Glackin, Kimble Byrd, and Steven Phelan

Traci Lynn Jewelry: an entrepreneur maximizing shining opportunities, Caroline E. Glackin