Bank performance measurement in a developing economy: An application of data envelopment analysis

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In the wake of banking distress in Nigeria, this paper represents an attempt to determine the quality of bank manage ment using data envel op ment analysis (DEA). The results are consistent with Doguwa (1996), who concludes that the weakness of Nigerian banks is attributed mainly to poor manage ment which manifests in exces sive credit and liquidity risk, poor loan quality and sluggish ability to gener ate capital internally. The results are also certainly in consonance with those reported by Alawode (1992) who concludes that the expanded powers granted commercial banks as a result of deregulation pose threats to the safety of the system by placing heavier demands on the regulatory/supervisory authorities. Finally, the banks that are found to be relatively efficient in this study are those that have been in existence for a long period of time. © MCB UP Limited 1998.

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