Building a web collection for online surveillance of U.S. domestic terrorism
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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As the trend of domestic terrorism grows rapidly, using web collections to support online surveillance should help intelligence and security personnel track down the sinister activities on the web. In this research, we have developed a collection of U.S. domestic terrorism websites and have conducted preliminary analysis of the sites' content and usage. We developed a novel approach to extracting textual, hyperlink, and usage information from websites. Our ongoing works include discovering hidden patterns from a collection of U.S. domestic terrorism websites and uncovering interesting usage and content patterns. This work should contribute to the area of online security surveillance using website data. © 2012 IEEE.
Recommended Citation
Chung, Wingyan and Tang, Wen, "Building a web collection for online surveillance of U.S. domestic terrorism" (2012). College of Business and Economics. 101.