An Exploratory Study of Audiobook Discount Pricing
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Recently, audiobook has become one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets. In practice, retailers of audiobooks often use discount prices to attract consumers. Nevertheless, little research has paid attention to the critical factors of discount pricing decisions. Drawing from literature of consumers’ perceived value and uncertainty, we aim to investigate the impact of the New York Times Bestseller status of an audiobook and the length of audiobook on discount size. Based on a unique dataset of 323 audiobooks, we conduct an empirical analysis to test our hypotheses. Our results reflect that retailers tend to provide a smaller discount for audiobooks on the New York Times Bestseller list. We also find that the length of audiobook has a positive and significant impact on discount size. In addition, our results show that the New York Times Bestseller status has a moderating role on the impact of length of audiobook. Our research provides useful managerial insights that can help retailers make discount pricing decisions.
Recommended Citation
Chen, Li, "An Exploratory Study of Audiobook Discount Pricing" (2023). College of Business and Economics. 98.