Optimizing the technology licensure process: An empirical study
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Developing countries have already set in motion a process of industrialization similar to that of highly industrialized nations. As a result, technology licensing has become an area of increasing significance and importance. Assessing search problems for potential partners by licensees is a very complicated task. A bad selection can cause many problems. In this paper, some experiences of less industrialized countries in cases of technology transfer (TT) are studied and the important factors for proper selection of licensors in the Car Manufacturing Industry are discussed. A decision support system (DSS) using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is developed to help the management of a large car manufacturer in a less industrialized country select the best partner among chosen alternatives. Findings can also serve the potential licensors in understanding the expectations of developing countries in this respect. © 2001 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Recommended Citation
Lari, Alireza, "Optimizing the technology licensure process: An empirical study" (2002). College of Business and Economics. 136.