The usage of Web-based marketplaces for purchasing: An empirical study in America
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Despite the proliferation of Web-based marketplaces in recent years, firms are still reluctant to use them for purchasing. This research focuses on examining the extent of current and planned usage of Web-based marketplaces from the buyer perspective with the comparison among three types of Web-based marketplaces - 3PXs, ISMs, and PTNs. In addition, the research tests the impact of buyer's experiences in using information technology (IT) for facilitating the purchasing process on the extent of Web-based marketplace usage. Those hypotheses are tested using the data collected from a Web-based survey of 359 purchasing professionals in foe United States. The results indicated that there are no significant differences among three types of Web-based marketplaces in regard to the extent of current and planned usage. In addition, experiences in using IT for purchasing are shown to have significant impact on the extent of current and planned usage of 3PXs, ISMs, and PTNs. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are also provided.
Recommended Citation
Tavakoli, Assad; Truong, Dothang; and Nguyen, Van, "The usage of Web-based marketplaces for purchasing: An empirical study in America" (2005). College of Business and Economics. 211.