Toward an understanding of how teachers change during school reform: Considerations for educational leadership and school improvement
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As the concept of distributed leadership and its concomitant organizational structures become more prevalent in schools, studying how teacher capacity can be enhanced and can be used as a catalyst for reform is important. This article documents the nature of how the implementation of a research-validated reform influenced what teachers thought about their own teaching, student achievement, and expectations. A case study approach documented the experiences of elementary school teachers in a high poverty, historically low-performing elementary school as they implemented a researched-validated instructional reform targeting the most at-risk students in the school. The teachers experienced significant professional growth that encompassed self-doubt, resistance, acceptance, and finally advocacy. Implications for the practices that define educational leadership and school improvement are discussed in light of how successful reform can improve teacher capacity. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Recommended Citation
Kaniuka, Theodore Stefan, "Toward an understanding of how teachers change during school reform: Considerations for educational leadership and school improvement" (2012). College of Education. 22.