Measuring reading attitudes: Three dimensions
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Scope and Method of Study: This study was designed to construct and validate a reading attitude scale through correlation of manifested and expressed attitude toward reading material. General reading attitude is defined as reading material characteristic of most types of reading; readings which enhance personal growth and self-fulfillment. Academic attitude toward reading material is defined as reading for the acquisition of knowledge about content areas, correct language usage, and understanding grammar. Vocational attitude toward reading material is defined as reading material which has as its goal the preparation of readers for the world of work; readings directly related to applying for and maintaining a job. One hundred-eighty students in a reading improvement class at a major university were administered the attitude scale, and three reading selections to identify by definition and selection type as academic, vocational, and general reading. The type of selection chosen by the student represented his or her reading preference. Findings and Conclusion: The relationship between measured attitude toward general, academic, and vocational reading and stated attitude toward general, academic, and vocational reading material was significant. The relationship between measured attitude toward general, academic, and vocational reading material and actual selection of that material was also significant. There was no significant relationship between stated attitude toward general, academic, and vocational reading material and actual selection of that type of reading material. The reliability coefficients for the attitude scales were: General reading. 81; Academic reading. 74; Vocational reading. 81. © 1982 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Moore, Samuel C. and Lemons, Robert, "Measuring reading attitudes: Three dimensions" (1982). College of Education. 39.