Elearning environments as engaging invitations to elementary age learners: Parental experiences and understandings
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This discussion shares one working parent's experiences, as a parent aiding her daughter in an eLearning environment. In March 2019, the daughter's elementary school shut down due to COVID-19. Soon after, the schools began using Zoom and Schoology to help maintain a semblance of normalcy and a semblance of attempts towards continuing the learning process within a challenging cultural and sociological situation. What is shared is the parent's journey through which the parent struggled to sustain levels of normalcy in the home and the community. The focus of the discussion revolved around the school week, the school day, and school-based relationships, while also emphasizing the parent's voice through her perspective.
Recommended Citation
Neal, Allyson Ward; Simons, Melissa A.; and Moffett, Noran L., "Elearning environments as engaging invitations to elementary age learners: Parental experiences and understandings" (2022). College of Education. 64.