Promoting Collaboration Among Special Educators, Social Workers, and Families Impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorders
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects how a child behaves and communicates in social settings. Caregivers and family members of children with ASD are financially and mentally stressed as they struggle to find appropriate interventions and supportive resources. Children and youth with ASD present with complex needs that can be addressed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals in various settings. Using a multidisciplinary approach, social workers and special educators increase the effectiveness of ASD-related services offered to children and families. Special educators and social work professionals can work together to encourage increased family engagement and to improve life outcomes for children diagnosed with the disorder. The purpose of this article is to provide practical strategies that support family engagement and collaboration between social work professionals, special educators, and families affected by ASD.
Recommended Citation
Anthony, Nicole and Campbell, Erica, "Promoting Collaboration Among Special Educators, Social Workers, and Families Impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorders" (2020). College of Education. 9.