Not Just about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Call for Military-Centric Social Work
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Most warriors do not get PTSD but can still be affected by war. The "military gestalt," defined as the complex myriad of "all things military" including the functions, processes, and human elements related to combat, is seriously impacted by the warrior-in-combat construct that is reflective of the person-in-environment construct. Thus, it suggests that problems within the gestalt can be understood and addressed from a military-centric social work perspective and approach. The situation is so insidious that it requires a call to action from all disciplines but, most important, for the social work profession to take the lead. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Recommended Citation
Marquez, Mark R., "Not Just about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Call for Military-Centric Social Work" (2012). College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 155.