Unintended pregnancies in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Levels and correlates, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Meimenat Hosseini-Chavoshi, Akbar Aghajanian, Bahram Delavar, and Amir Mehryar
Genital-shrinking panic in Ghana: A cultural psychological analysis, Glenn Adams and Vivian Afi Dzokoto
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) as agents of change for the development of minority businesses, Arinola O. Adebayo, Adeyemi A. Adekoya, and O. Felix Ayadi
Intelligence Agencies And Issues, Cary Adkinson
Intelligence Agencies and Issues, Cary Adkinson
The amazing spider-man and the evolution of the comics code: Case study in cultural criminology, Cary D. Adkinson
Break out the mint juleps? Is New Hampshire the "primary" culprit limiting presidential nomination forecasts?, Randall E. Adkins and Andrew J. Dowdle
Is the exhibition season becoming more important to forecasting presidential nominations?, Randall E. Adkins and Andrew J. Dowdle
The Money Primary: What Influences the Outcome of Pre-Primary Presidential Nomination Fundraising?, Randall E. Adkins and Andrews J. Dowdle
Fear of crime among residents of three communities in Accra, Ghana, Samuel Adu-Mireku
Family communication about HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour among senior secondary school students in Accra, Ghana., Samuel Adu-Mireku
Schools and health: A district-level evaluation of school health education in Ghana, Samuel Adu-Mireku
The prevalence of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use among Ghanaian senior secondary students in an urban setting, Samuel Adu-Mireku
The impact of development on the status of women: a district level analysis in Iran, A. Aghajanian
Status of women and fertility in Iran, A. Aghajanian
Cumulative Fertility in Iran, Abkar Aghajanian, Homa Agha, and Andrew B. Gross
Family and family change in iran, Akbar Aghajanian
Husband's Circular Migration and the Status of Women left behind in Lamerd District, Iran: A pilot study, Akbar Aghajanian, Jamileh Alihoseini, and Vaida Thompson
The pace of fertility decline in Iran: Finding from the demographic and health survey, Akbar Aghajanian and Amir H. Mehryar
Attitudes of Iranian female adolescents toward education and nonfamilial roles: A study of a postrevolutionary cohort, Akbar Aghajanian, Abbas Tashakkori, Vaida Thompson, and Amir H. Mehryar
Recent Divorce Trend in Iran, Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson
Female Headed Households in Iran (1976-2006), Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson
Gender and living arrangements of the elderly in Iran, Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson
Impact of the rural health development programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran on rural-urban disparities in health indicators., A. Aghajanian, A. H. Mehryar, S. Ahmadnia, and S. Kazemipour
The role of the anterior cingulate cortex in emotional response inhibition, Jacobo Albert, Sara López-Martín, Manuel Tapia, Daniel Montoya, and Luis Carretié
Academic confidence and summer bridge learning communities: Path analytic linkages to student persistence, David F. Allen and Beth Bir
Silenced Sisters: Dewey's Disciples in a Conservative New South, 1900-1940, Louise Anderson Allen
Critical discourse analysis of family stories told to African American and Hispanic American students, Eugenie Almeida and Lenora M. Hayes
Images of women in the West African press, Eugenie Almeida and R. Babatunde Oyinade
A discourse analysis of student perceptions of their communication competence, Eugenie P. Almeida
Strengthening college students’ success through the RAC, Trela Anderson and Ji Young Kim
Religion and spirituality in literature, Booker T. Anthony
(Re)roots and (re)routes: Transatlantic connections in language and literature, Booker T. Anthony
Performance, microbial community evolution and neural network modeling of single-stage nitrogen removal by partial-nitritation/anammox process, Philip Antwi, Dachao Zhang, Wuhui Luo, Long wen Xiao, Jia Meng, Felix Tetteh Kabutey, Frederick Ayivi, and Jianzheng Li
Provider resilience: the challenge for behavioral health providers assigned to brigade combat teams., Larry Applewhite and Derrick Arincorayan
Army Social Work: Helping At-Risk Soldiers Come Home, Derrick Arincorayan, Larry Applewhite, Erica DiJoseph, Audrey Ahlvers, and Alexander Mangindin
The impact of racial identity and school composition on affirmative action attitudes of African American college students, Germine H. Awad, Kimberly Tran, Brittany Hall-Clark, Collette Chapman-Hilliard, Jendayi Dillard, Taylor Payne, Elaine Hess, and Karen Jackson
Estimation of water balance and water yield in the Reedy Fork-Buffalo Creek Watershed in North Carolina using SWAT, Frederick Ayivi and Manoj K. Jha
On the structure of one-dimensional TiO2 lepidocrocite, Hussein O. Badr, Francisco Lagunas, Daniel E. Autrey, Jacob Cope, Takayuki Kono, Takeshi Torita, Robert F. Klie, Yong Jie Hu, and Michel W. Barsoum
Community policing in the united states: Social Control through Image Management, David E. Barlow and Melissa Hickman Barlow
Sustainable Justice: 2012 Presidential Address to The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Melissa Hickman Barlow
Newspaper Coverage of Substance Misuse and Other Drug-Related Behaviors in Ghana: A Content Analysis of Health Communication, Christina Barnett, Vivian Dzokoto, Viviette Allen, Annabella Osei-Tutu, Hortance Houngbeke, and Samuel Hanu
Characterization and removal of microplastics in the Guheshwori Wastewater Treatment Plant, Nepal, Smriti Bastakoti, Asmita Adhikari, Bishan Man Thaiba, Bhanu Bhakta Neupane, Bhoj Raj Gautam, Mohan B. Dangi, and Basant Giri
Need and desire among pharmacy practitioners for motivational interviewing to be incorporated into pharmacy curricula, Dawn Battise, Michael J. DeValve, Daniel Marlowe, Beth Beasley, and Susan Miller
Survey of Alouatta caraya, the black-and-gold howler monkey, and Alouatta guariba clamitans, the brown howler monkey, in a contact zone, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Evidence for hybridization, Júlio César Bicca-Marques, Helissandra Mattjie Prates, Fernanda Rodrigues Cunha Aguiar, and Clara B. Jones
The Direct Relationship between Bullying Rates and Extracurricular Activities among Adolescents and Teenagers with Disabilities, Kaycee L. Bills
Helping children with disabilities combat negative socio-emotional outcomes caused by bullying through extracurricular activities, Kaycee L. Bills
Teachers' perceptions towards inclusive education programs for children with Down syndrome, Kaycee L. Bills and Bradley Mills
Investigating historically black college women’s patterns of racial-ethnic socialization and positive mental health, Sha’Kema M. Blackmon and Laura D. Coyle
Linking Racial-Ethnic Socialization to Culture and Race-Specific Coping Among African American College Students, Sha’Kema M. Blackmon, Laura D. Coyle, Sheron Davenport, Archandria C. Owens, and Christopher Sparrow
Robert Nozick, libertarian?, Paul Boaheng and Wesley Cooper
Case Management and Employment Training Outcomes for Welfare-Reliant African American and Latinx Women Heads of Household, Stan L. Bowie, Sevaughn Banks, and Oliver Johnson
Integrating diversity into graduate social work education: A 30-year retrospective view by msw-level african american social workers, Stan L. Bowie, J. Camille Hall, and Oliver J. Johnson
The Politics and Poetics of Metal’s Medieval Pasts, Shamma Boyarin, Annika Christensen, Amaranta Saguar García, and Dean Swinford
Light blue versus dark blue: Attitudinal differences in quality-of-life policing, Lorenzo M. Boyd
Rights, women, and the state of Pakistan, Sara Brightman
State-directed Sterilizations in North Carolina: Victim-centredness and Reparations, Sarah Brightman, Emily Lenning, and Karen McElrath
Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence, Sara Brightman, Emily Lenning, Kristin J. Lurie, and Christina DeJong
Hand-holding by Belizean black howler monkeys: Intentional communication in a neotropical primate, Robin C. Brockett, Robert H. Horwich, and Clara B. Jones
Janet, Pierre (1859-1947), John I. Brooks
Black Misandry and the Killing of Black Boys and Men, Derrick R. Brooms and Jelisa S. Clark
“We Can Redefine Ourselves”: Enhancing Black College Men’s Persistence Through Counterspaces, Derrick R. Brooms, Jelisa S. Clark, and Jarrod E. Druery
‘It’s more than just mentoring’: critical mentoring Black and Latino males from college to the community, Derrick R. Brooms, William Franklin, Jelisa S. Clark, and Matthew Smith
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Waiver to Adult Court, Joe M. Brown and Jon R. Sorensen
Legal and Extra-Legal Factors Related to the Imposition of Blended Sentences, Joe M. Brown and Jon R. Sorensen
Identifying variation in police officer behavior between juveniles and adults, Robert A. Brown, Kenneth J. Novak, and James Frank
Teaching for Social Justice: Motivations of Community College Faculty in Sociology, Sonia Brown, Stacye Blount, Charles A. Dickinson, Alison Better, Margaret Weigers Vitullo, Deidre Tyler, and Michael Kisielewski
Big losers: The rhetorical vision of the weight loss narrative, Sonya C. Brown
Mentorship and the female college president, Terri Moore Brown
A Needs Assessment of Congregation and Clergy Roles in Serving Military Families, Terri Moore Brown
QUEER CRIMINOLOGY, Second Edition, Carrie L. Buist and Emily Lenning
Queer criminology, Carrie L. Buist, Emily Lenning, and Matthew Ball
A poison runs through it: The Elk River chemical spill in West Virginia, Gregory V. Button and Erin R. Eldridge
The technology ownership and information acquisition habits of HBCU freshmen, Nicole A. Buzzetto-More and Retta Sweat-Guy
Reducing the Risk of HIV/AIDS in African American College Students: An Exploratory Investigation of the Efficacy of a Peer Educator Approach, Denyce S. Calloway, Deneen N. Long-White, and Dennis E. Corbin
Officer Wilson’s racialization of Mike Brown: a discourse of race, gender, and mental health, Erica Campbell
Using self-evaluations to explore HBCU social work statistics students’ perceptions of academic preparation and performance, Erica Campbell
Critical Race Theory: A Tool to Promote an Anti-Racist Pedagogy, Erica Campbell
Gender differences among mental health professionals’ knowledge of domestic violence, Erica Campbell
Insights From a CSWE Summit for Critical Conversations on Religion, Faith, and Spirituality in Social Work Education, Edward R. Canda, Holly K. Oxhandler, Altaf Husain, Edward C. Polson, Terry A. Wolfer, Michael J. Sheridan, Jeanna Jacobsen, and Kimberly Hardy
Networks, law, and the paradox of cooperation, Bryan Caplan and Edward P. Stringham
Annie mae kenion (1912-2009): Teaching and community building in the jim crow south, Iris Carlton-LaNey and Annie Mc Cullough Chavis
Asian American Female College Students' Subjective Femininity Conceptualizations: Using a Mixed-Methods Approach, Tiffany K. Chang, Y. Joel Wong, Tao Liu, and Kimberly Tran
Social Learning Theory and Behavioral Therapy: Considering Human Behaviors within the Social and Cultural Context of Individuals and Families, Annie Mc Cullough Chavis
Impact of highly crystalline, isoindigo-based small-molecular additives for enhancing the performance of all-polymer solar cells, Han Hee Cho, Gibok Han, Robert Younts, Wonho Lee, Bhoj R. Gautam, Seungjin Lee, Changyeon Lee, Taesu Kim, Felix Sunjoo Kim, and Kenan Gundogdu
Psychiatric medication, African Americans and the paradox of mistrust, C. André Christie-Mizell, Stacye A. Blount, Whitney N.Laster Pirtle, Helena E. Dagadu, Erika T.A. Leslie, and Peter S. Vielehr
The Use of Psychiatric Medication, Human Capital, and the Amplification of Mistrust, C. André Christie-Mizell, Whitney N. Laster, Helena E. Dagadu, and Stacye A. Blount
RING the ALARM, Jelisa S. Clark
Breonna’s Song: An Unapologetic Black Response to State Violence Against Black Women, Jelisa S. Clark
“We get to learn more about ourselves”: Black men's engagement, bonding, and self-authorship on campus, Jelisa S. Clark and Derrick R. Brooms
Unapologetic black Inquiry: Centering blackness in education research, Jelisa S. Clark and Derrick R. Brooms
Conceptualizing possibilities for Black boys through the educational continuum, Jelisa S. Clark, Keisha M. Wint, and Derrick R. Brooms
Curriculum Planning: The Dynamics of Theory and Practice. By Dale L. Brubaker. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1982, Charlie Coffman
Improving Our Schools. By Marilyn Clayton Felt. Newton, Mass.: Educational Development Center, 1985, Charlie Coffman
Keeping Track. How Schools Structure Inequality:By Jeannie Oakes. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985, Charlie Coffman
Situational Leadership for Principals : The School Administrator in Action. By Kenneth and Rita Dunn. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983, Charlie Q. Coffman
Supervision for Staff Development: Ideas and Application. By Ronald C. Doll. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1983, Charlie Q. Coffman
What Do Teachers Think of Merit Pay? Study Lists Important Variables, Charlie Q. Coffman and Priscilla Manarino-Leggett
Predictor and Moderator Effects of Ego Resilience and Mindfulness on the Relationship Between Academic Stress and Psychological Well-Being in a Sample of Ghanaian College Students, Nathasha N. Cole, Camilla W. Nonterah, Shawn O. Utsey, Joshua N. Hook, Rebecca R. Hubbard, Annabella Opare-Henaku, and Nicole L. Fischer
Perceived racism as a predictor of paranoia among African Americans, Dennis R. Combs, David L. Penn, Jeffrey Cassisi, Chris Michael, Terry Wood, Jill Wanner, and Scott Adams