
Intelligence Agencies And Issues, Cary Adkinson

Intelligence Agencies and Issues, Cary Adkinson

The amazing spider-man and the evolution of the comics code: Case study in cultural criminology, Cary D. Adkinson

Fear of crime among residents of three communities in Accra, Ghana, Samuel Adu-Mireku

Family communication about HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour among senior secondary school students in Accra, Ghana., Samuel Adu-Mireku

Schools and health: A district-level evaluation of school health education in Ghana, Samuel Adu-Mireku

The prevalence of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use among Ghanaian senior secondary students in an urban setting, Samuel Adu-Mireku

The impact of development on the status of women: a district level analysis in Iran, A. Aghajanian

Status of women and fertility in Iran, A. Aghajanian

Cumulative Fertility in Iran, Abkar Aghajanian, Homa Agha, and Andrew B. Gross

Family and family change in iran, Akbar Aghajanian

Husband's Circular Migration and the Status of Women left behind in Lamerd District, Iran: A pilot study, Akbar Aghajanian, Jamileh Alihoseini, and Vaida Thompson

The pace of fertility decline in Iran: Finding from the demographic and health survey, Akbar Aghajanian and Amir H. Mehryar

Attitudes of Iranian female adolescents toward education and nonfamilial roles: A study of a postrevolutionary cohort, Akbar Aghajanian, Abbas Tashakkori, Vaida Thompson, and Amir H. Mehryar

Recent Divorce Trend in Iran, Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson

Female Headed Households in Iran (1976-2006), Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson

Gender and living arrangements of the elderly in Iran, Akbar Aghajanian and Vaida Thompson

Impact of the rural health development programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran on rural-urban disparities in health indicators., A. Aghajanian, A. H. Mehryar, S. Ahmadnia, and S. Kazemipour

Academic confidence and summer bridge learning communities: Path analytic linkages to student persistence, David F. Allen and Beth Bir

Silenced Sisters: Dewey's Disciples in a Conservative New South, 1900-1940, Louise Anderson Allen

Critical discourse analysis of family stories told to African American and Hispanic American students, Eugenie Almeida and Lenora M. Hayes

Images of women in the West African press, Eugenie Almeida and R. Babatunde Oyinade

A discourse analysis of student perceptions of their communication competence, Eugenie P. Almeida

Strengthening college students’ success through the RAC, Trela Anderson and Ji Young Kim

Religion and spirituality in literature, Booker T. Anthony

(Re)roots and (re)routes: Transatlantic connections in language and literature, Booker T. Anthony

Provider resilience: the challenge for behavioral health providers assigned to brigade combat teams., Larry Applewhite and Derrick Arincorayan

Estimation of water balance and water yield in the Reedy Fork-Buffalo Creek Watershed in North Carolina using SWAT, Frederick Ayivi and Manoj K. Jha

Community policing in the united states: Social Control through Image Management, David E. Barlow and Melissa Hickman Barlow

Sustainable Justice: 2012 Presidential Address to The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Melissa Hickman Barlow

The Direct Relationship between Bullying Rates and Extracurricular Activities among Adolescents and Teenagers with Disabilities, Kaycee L. Bills

Helping children with disabilities combat negative socio-emotional outcomes caused by bullying through extracurricular activities, Kaycee L. Bills

Teachers' perceptions towards inclusive education programs for children with Down syndrome, Kaycee L. Bills and Bradley Mills

Robert Nozick, libertarian?, Paul Boaheng and Wesley Cooper

Light blue versus dark blue: Attitudinal differences in quality-of-life policing, Lorenzo M. Boyd

Rights, women, and the state of Pakistan, Sara Brightman

State-directed Sterilizations in North Carolina: Victim-centredness and Reparations, Sarah Brightman, Emily Lenning, and Karen McElrath

Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence, Sara Brightman, Emily Lenning, Kristin J. Lurie, and Christina DeJong

Janet, Pierre (1859-1947), John I. Brooks

Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Waiver to Adult Court, Joe M. Brown and Jon R. Sorensen

Legal and Extra-Legal Factors Related to the Imposition of Blended Sentences, Joe M. Brown and Jon R. Sorensen

Identifying variation in police officer behavior between juveniles and adults, Robert A. Brown, Kenneth J. Novak, and James Frank

Big losers: The rhetorical vision of the weight loss narrative, Sonya C. Brown

Mentorship and the female college president, Terri Moore Brown

A Needs Assessment of Congregation and Clergy Roles in Serving Military Families, Terri Moore Brown

Officer Wilson’s racialization of Mike Brown: a discourse of race, gender, and mental health, Erica Campbell

Using self-evaluations to explore HBCU social work statistics students’ perceptions of academic preparation and performance, Erica Campbell

Critical Race Theory: A Tool to Promote an Anti-Racist Pedagogy, Erica Campbell

Gender differences among mental health professionals’ knowledge of domestic violence, Erica Campbell

Social Learning Theory and Behavioral Therapy: Considering Human Behaviors within the Social and Cultural Context of Individuals and Families, Annie Mc Cullough Chavis

RING the ALARM, Jelisa S. Clark

Breonna’s Song: An Unapologetic Black Response to State Violence Against Black Women, Jelisa S. Clark

“We get to learn more about ourselves”: Black men's engagement, bonding, and self-authorship on campus, Jelisa S. Clark and Derrick R. Brooms

Unapologetic black Inquiry: Centering blackness in education research, Jelisa S. Clark and Derrick R. Brooms

Conceptualizing possibilities for Black boys through the educational continuum, Jelisa S. Clark, Keisha M. Wint, and Derrick R. Brooms

Curriculum Planning: The Dynamics of Theory and Practice. By Dale L. Brubaker. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1982, Charlie Coffman

Improving Our Schools. By Marilyn Clayton Felt. Newton, Mass.: Educational Development Center, 1985, Charlie Coffman

Keeping Track. How Schools Structure Inequality:By Jeannie Oakes. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985, Charlie Coffman

Situational Leadership for Principals : The School Administrator in Action. By Kenneth and Rita Dunn. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983, Charlie Q. Coffman

Supervision for Staff Development: Ideas and Application. By Ronald C. Doll. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1983, Charlie Q. Coffman

What Do Teachers Think of Merit Pay? Study Lists Important Variables, Charlie Q. Coffman and Priscilla Manarino-Leggett

All together now: Long term potentiation in the human cortex, Daniel A. Córdoba-Montoya, Jacobo Albert, and Sara López-Martín

Uncontrollable stress, coping, and subjective well-being in urban adolescents, Laura D. Coyle and Elizabeth M. Vera

Day reporting center completion: Comparison of individual and multilevel models, Amy Craddock

Whiteness and feminism: Déjà vu discourses, what's next?, Blanche Radford Curry

Drug abuse treatment in criminal justice settings: Enhancing community engagement and helpfulness, M. Czuchry and D. F. Dansereau

The relationships among body image, masculinity, and sexual satisfaction in men, Samantha Daniel and Sara K. Bridges

The development and validation of the male assessment of self-objectification (MASO), Samantha Daniel, Sara K. Bridges, and Matthew P. Martens

Pragmatism, democracy, and the plural self, Wesley Dempster

History of victimology, 1980s, Elizabeth Quinn Devalve

President's task force on victims of crime, final report, Elizabeth Quinn Devalve

Secondary victimization, Elizabeth Quinn Devalve

O for a Muse of Fire: Rebellion as Sacrament, Michael DeValve

Love/Power, Michael DeValve

Practical poetry: Thich nhat hanh and the cultivation of a problem-oriented officer, Michael J. Devalve and Elizabeth Quinn

State-of-the-art review policing and procedural justice: A state-of-the-art review, Chirstopher Donner, Jon Maskaly, Lorie Fridell, and Wesley G. Jennings

Low Self-Control and Police Deviance: Applying Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory to Officer Misconduct, Christopher M. Donner and Wesley G. Jennings

The General Nature of Online and Off-Line Offending Among College Students, Christopher M. Donner, Wesley G. Jennings, and Jerry Banfield

Low self-control and cybercrime: Exploring the utility of the general theory of crime beyond digital piracy, Christopher M. Donner, Catherine D. Marcum, Wesley G. Jennings, and George E. Higgins

Analyzing Ghanaian emotions through narrative: A textual analysis of Ama Ata Aidoo's novel changes, Vivian Dzokoto and Glenn Adams

Understanding genital-shrinking epidemics in West Africa: koro, juju, or mass psychogenic illness?, Vivian Afi Dzokoto and Glenn Adams

Happiness in the eye and the heart: Somatic referencing in West African emotion lexica, Vivian Afi Dzokoto and Sumie Okazaki

The continuum of coal violence and post-coal possibilities in the Appalachian South, Erin R. Eldridge

Administrating violence through coal ash policies and practices, Erin R. Eldridge

Ethnographic Engagement with Bureaucratic Violence, Erin R. Eldridge and Amanda J. Reinke

Simplicity and theology, Don Fawkes and Tom Smythe

Stock return seasonalities in low-income African emerging markets, O. Felix Ayadi, Uric B. Dufrene, and Amitava Chatterjee

Firm performance measures: Temporal roadblocks to innovation?, O. Felix Ayadi, Uric B. Dufrene, and C. Pat Obi

Phenomenology of ritualized and repeated behaviors in nonclinical populations in the United States, S. H. Franzblau

Social darwinian influences on conceptions of marriage, sex, and motherhood, Susan H. Franzblau

Attachment Theory, Susan H. Franzblau

II. Historicizing attachment theory: Binding the ties that bind, Susan H. Franzblau

A preliminary investigation of the effects of giving testimony and learning yogic breathing techniques on battered women's feelings of depression, Susan H. Franzblau, Sonia Echevarria, Michelle Smith, and Thomas E. Van Cantfort

Critique of reductionistic models of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Toward a new explanatory paradigm, Susan H. Franzblau, Monique Kanadanian, and Elizabeth Rettig

Socializing efficacy: A reconstruction of self-efficacy theory within the context of inequality, Susan H. Franzblau and Michael Moore

The Army Master of Social Work Program., Dexter Freeman and Graeme Bicknell

Archetypal Identification: An Alternative for Spiritual Well-Being Assessment, Dexter R. Freeman

Sexual profiteering and rhetorical assuagement: Examining ethos and identity at, Todd Frobish

On pixels, perceptions, and personae: Toward a model of online ethos, Todd S. Frobish

A curriculum design and instructional development proposal for an intelligence studies program, David H. Gray