Army Social Work: Helping At-Risk Soldiers Come Home
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In 2010, the Department of the Army implemented the Comprehensive Behavioral Health System of Care Campaign Plan designed, in part, to create a seamless system of behavioral health care. To execute the directive's intent to screen deployed soldiers at risk for domestic violence, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse, Tripler Army Medical Center deployed a fourperson behavioral health team to Iraq to assist in screening soldiers preparing to redeploy home. This article describes the process employed by the team to conduct the mission and discusses strategies to assist at-risk soldiers to access care after a combat deployment. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Recommended Citation
Arincorayan, Derrick; Applewhite, Larry; DiJoseph, Erica; Ahlvers, Audrey; and Mangindin, Alexander, "Army Social Work: Helping At-Risk Soldiers Come Home" (2013). College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 321.