Female Headed Households in Iran (1976-2006)
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Here we address the issue of female-headed households in Iran in an effort to discover whether the incidences, causes, and consequences are similar to those seen elsewhere in both developed and developing countries. In the United States such households are not always found to have resulted from involuntary, relatively homogeneous causes, but there is a persistent finding of associated poverty. From Iranian census data including the past 40 years, we found a rather dramatic, albeit not extremely large, countercultural increase in female-headed households; however, such households neither resulted from common causes nor led necessarily to poverty. We consider these results in relation to their implications about changes in family and women's roles in this highly transitional society in which tradition and modernity seem to coexist and family changes emerge slowly and selectively. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Recommended Citation
Aghajanian, Akbar and Thompson, Vaida, "Female Headed Households in Iran (1976-2006)" (2013). College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 98.