Web-based geospatial technology tools for metropolitan planning organizations
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Geospatial applications and data are important tools in the hands of transportation planners. The advent of web based mapping and development of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) can be used to deploy spatial data to make information readily available. The Transportation Environment Land Use Data Enterprise (TELUDE) application developed by the Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS), RIA, and web programming to achieve this goal. The TELUDE application transforms desktop applications and spatial data collection to information accessible from multiple locations for analyses. The architecture, development, deployment and functions of twelve tools and several transportation planning functions are discussed in this paper. Data from disparate sources were combined using scripting and mashups and served over the web in a user-friendly environment conducive to reporting and analysis. The TELUDE application demonstrates the combination of spatial data, scripting, programming, web and server technology to enhance the availability of data and information for transportation planners.
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Malhotra, Rakesh; Virk, Gurmeet; Nwoko, Felix; and Klepper, Amanda, "Web-based geospatial technology tools for metropolitan planning organizations" (2013). College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 298.