Computer self-efficacy in an ongoing use context

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The objective of this study is to examine whether computer self-efficacy continues to influence the use of information technology in an ongoing use context where experienced personnel use computers to do complex and dynamic knowledge work. Hypotheses are proposed concerning the determinants and consequences of computer self-efficacy. Using a survey of 153 engineers engaged in computer intensive design work, a preliminary test of the hypotheses is conducted using structural equation modelling (LISREL). The results suggest that the impact of self-efficacy on the effectiveness of ongoing computer use may be indirect, mediated by intrinsic motivation. The results also suggest that, in the ongoing use context, user autonomy, learning capabilities, and collegial support are determinants of computer self-efficacy. The conclusion is that computer self-efficacy continues to play an important role among ongoing users. Its influence is not limited to the early stages of user interaction with technology (i.e., adoption or training).

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