

The authors developed the Skills of Inquiry (SoI) model accompanied by a logic model to assess and evaluate faculty members teaching online. The Skills of Inquiry is based on faculty members’ abilities to understand the online environments, skills development pertaining to online teaching, and acquisition of specific online skills. The Skills of Inquiry model was used to personalize a 5-week workshop training and development module specifically for faculty members teaching online. The training workshop is effective in training faculty members to acquire specific online teaching skills through customized and individualized professional development learning. The training is a self-paced asynchronous online workshop that is suitable for faculty members who are novice, mid-career, and veteran at online teaching. Faculty members would need personal computers or laptops with camera, high-speed Internet service, and learning management systems (LMS) to access training content including video, audio, and PowerPoint. To recognize specific skill competencies to teach online, faculty members must be awarded a digital badge or a micro-credential badge to culminate the experience of the workshop training as an investment in skills development and achievement.



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