Volume 8, Issue 1 (2023) The BIPOC Experience in Education
- We were particularly interested in illuminating the experiences of BIPOC educators. In this special theme issue, we solicited research on essential facets of education omitted within the research literature. The Lived Experiences of Teachers of Color and Racial Microaggressions and Healing Racial Trauma from Public School Systems both focus on racial microaggressions and the unearthing of the experiences of teachers of color within educational systems. The article, Associations Between Multicultural Distress, Academic Achievement, and General Stress Among Racial/Ethnic Minority College Students at a Minority-Serving Institution focuses on students' experience within educational institutions. Exploring Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Personality Traits for Black Women Leaders in Online Higher Education details the experiences Black women leaders exhibit in Online environments. Can I live: Examining the Self-Worth of Black Men Enrollment in Community College explores the experiences of Black males as they matriculate into higher education at the community college level. The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism is an academic book review focusing on Black women and their personal and career aspirations.
Research Articles
Exploring Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Personality Traits for Black Women Leaders in Online Higher Education
Shanaya K. Anderson
Healing Racial Trauma From Public School Systems
Lisa Y. Collins
The Lived Experiences of Teachers of Color and Racial Microaggressions
Torine Champion and Linda Wilson-Jones
Associations Between Multicultural Distress, Academic Achievement, and General Stress Among Racial/Ethnic Minority College Students at a Minority-Serving Institution
Alexandra O. Gil, Franklin Dickerson Turner, and Aaron A. Gubi
Examining the Change in Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions and Effectiveness of Social Justice Content
Gregory A. Downing and Brittney L. Black
Conceptual Article
Book Review

Invited Editors
- Tiffany Flowers
- Georgia State University
- Celicia L. Bell
- Florida State University
- Joy Valentine
- University of Illinois-Chicago
- Edward Cromarty
- Neil Faulk
- Lamar University
- Fabio Galli
- Deanna R Davis
- National University
- Ian McDonald
- Arden University
- Ernesto F Ramirez
- University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
- Anna K Lee
- North Carolina A & T State University
- Melissa J. Marks
- University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- Richard McGregory
- University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
- Donna Walker
- St. George's University
- Laura Santanna Lonergan
- West Chester University
- Demetrice Smith-Mutegi
- Old Dominion University
- Anthony Walker
- Tarrant County College District
- Franco Zengaro
- Jacksonville State University-Alabama
- Veronica M Gregg
- Fayetteville Technical Community College
- Simone Elias
- Abilene Christian University
- Comfort Okpala
- North Carolina A & T. State University
- Michelle Simmons
- West Texas A&M University
- DeJuanna Parker
- Lord Fairfax Community College
- Arij Rached
- Northeastern University
- James G Archibald
- Valdosta State University
- Locksley Knibbs
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- JeffriAnne Wilder
- The Cleveland Clinic
- Michael R Moore
- University of New Hampshire, Durham
- Mohamed Ali
- Grand Canyon University
- Marian Truehill
- National University
- Yong Zeng
- Oakland University
- Kaycee L Bills
- Fayetteville State University
- Laurie A. Sharp
- Tarleton State University
- Brett C Welch
- Lamar University