
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2023)

About the Issue

The articles chosen for this issue took a slightly different perspective for the journal, focusing on science and technology in education. It is particularly unique that the articles combined an emphasis on science and technology education based on qualitative social research, the importance of teacher preparation, and the increasing need for diversity and inclusivity when working with technology and globalization in education. This issue includes intriguing articles on the impact of opioids on students and schools in Ohio and the use of flipped learning instructional videos in the New York City school system. It includes several articles involving teacher preparation, development, and autonomy in the sciences and technology that utilize qualitative research to provide for the greater complexity of the human context. One article's thought-provoking theme is the need for inclusivity and diversity in higher education to balance the effects of technology and globalization on society and education. What stands out in this issue is the focus on the need for qualitative and social research that is inclusive and embraces the complexities of human diversity in the sciences and technology in education. The editors hope you will learn from the progressive perspectives of the articles in this issue that are continuing to break new ground in educational research. The editorial staff and founding editorial board thank you for supporting the journal during 2023. Happy New Year (2024). Edward Cromarty

Research Articles


Teachers’ Perceptions of Autonomy Support
Kimberly Hannah Siacor, Betsy Ng, and Woon Chia Liu

Conceptual Articles


Issue Reviewers

Edward Cromarty
Northeastern University/SUNY
Mary Alice Young
Northeastern University
James G Archibald
Valdosta State University
Yohana Rutaba
University of Dodoma
Arij Rached
Northeastern University
Venessa Vela Aphane
Walter Sisulu University
Matt Townsley
University of Northern Iowa
Franklin Dickerson Turner
Kean University
Jill Story
Northeastern University
Nosa Obanor
Fayetteville State University
Celeca Sukra
NYC Teaching Academies NYCDOE
Brad Mills
Fayetteville State University
Stephen Stunder
Chestnut Hill College
Kaitlin M Jackson
Fayetteville State University
Magdalena Brzezinska
WSB University at Poznan, Poland
Charles L. Lowery
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ann qinghong Cai
Northeastern University
Locksley Knibbs
Florida Gulf Coast University
Noran L. Moffett
Fayetteville State University
Felix Quayson
Texas State University
Jeanette M Edlow
Northcentral University

Happy New Year

Wishing you a happy new year! May it be filled with new adventures and good fortunes.