An interactive decision support application for grade performance analysis
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
This paper presents a functional application that meets the needs of both the instructor and students in a class setting. For the instructor, the focus of this interactive application is on the management of class learning assessment. This interactive spreadsheet application is independent of grading scale for course items, and is based on course item weights, and weighted scored percentages. A demonstration of a grade performance analysis for a Database Management System course reflects class achievement of instructional goals under equitable learning achievement option plans. For a self-regulated student learner who seeks to improve class performance, this application facilitates the action of making adjustments in learning strategies. This application bridges the concept of a self-regulated learner with learning outcomes through its tracking, "what-if" and "goal-seeking" capabilities. The goal-seeking feature in this application allows students to know the required minimum grade achievement for a specific course item to maintain or improve current grade standing in class. A survey of this application revealed perceived usefulness of this application in areas of decision support and increased understanding of learning criteria used by instructor to assess class performance. © 2007 EDSIG.
Recommended Citation
Yew, Bee, "An interactive decision support application for grade performance analysis" (2007). College of Business and Economics. 220.