A CLA assessment in the principles of information systems course
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
This paper summarizes a Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) performance task developed for a core course in Information Systems Theory and Practice course for business majors. The CLA in classroom project is a university-wide initiative aimed at improving students' critical thinking skills, which include analytic reasoning and writing skills and problem solving skills. Institutions participating in CLA assessment are expected to increase efforts to infuse critical thinking skills in class teaching. The expected outcomes for the CLA in class project include a better understanding of the structure of a CLA performance task. Assessment results gathered from CLA in class project are expected to increase instruction efforts in developing class activities and course assessment components that will result in improving student performance in CLA performance task categories. These five categories, based on the CLA grading rubric are: 1) evaluation of evidence, 2) analysis and synthesis of evidence, 3) drawing conclusions, 4) acknowledging alternative explanations and viewpoints, and 5) written communications. © 2009 EDSIG.
Recommended Citation
Yew, Bee, "A CLA assessment in the principles of information systems course" (2009). College of Business and Economics. 221.