
The automorphism group of a self-dual [72,36,16] code does not contain Z4, Vassil Yorgov and Daniel Yorgov

Impact of Heat Stress on Expression of Wheat Genes Responsive to Hessian Fly Infestation, Jiazheng Yuan, Jordan O’neal, Daria Brown, and Lieceng Zhu

Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability in volterra equations of nonconvolution type, B. O. Zhang

Boundedness in functional differential equations, Bo Zhang

Asymptotic stability in functional differential equations by liapunov functionals, Bo Zhang

Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness and oscillation in the retarded Liénard equation, Bo Zhang

Construction of Liapunov functionals for linear Volterra integrodifferential equations and stability of delay systems, Bo Zhang

Contraction mapping and stability in a delay-differential equation, Bo Zhang

Fixed points and stability in differential equations with variable delays, Bo Zhang

Formulas of Liapunov functions for systems of linear partial differential equations, Bo Zhang

Liapunov functionals and periodicity in a system of nonlinear integral equations, Bo Zhang

Contraction Mapping and stability in an integro-differential equation of nonconvolution type, Bo Zhang

Liapunov functionals and stability in fractional differential equations, Bo Zhang

Database replication for optimal performance in parallel BLAST, Guanghua Zhao

On the order of schur multipliers of finite p - groups, Xiaoming Zhou

On the orders of conjugacy classes of cyclic subgroups, Xiaoming Zhou

Changes in phytohormones and fatty acids in wheat and rice seedlings in response to hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infestation, Lieceng Zhu, Ming Shun Chen, and Xiang Liu